First of all, I greatly appreciate all your input and, thanks to you, my April visit will be wonderful and demonstrate the influence you have on all that I do. First off, you will be excited to find out that, as you requested, ALL of my Today’s Specials will come with Free Shipping. This is not normal for April, but you asked for it, so HSN and I will deliver it. Also, again because you requested it, any weight loss-related product I offer will come with Free Shipping, since so many of us are doing our very best to manage our weight this time of year – just before summer. There will also be a few more selected products that come with Free Shipping to round out the visit.
As far as my Today’s Specials, I normally don’t do this, but I will let you know what they are since I am doing something very unique this visit. For the first time ever, I am doing two double Today’s Specials, which means you will have four opportunities to save. You can save even more if you choose a bundle during each of these double Today’s Specials, but even without the bundles, the savings are absolutely spectacular and generally well over 50% on all sizes!
We will begin our Today’s Specials on Thursday night April 8th and throughout the day on Friday April 9th. I will be doing a double Today’s Special with a brand new, one-time-only version of my Vitamin B12. Basically, we have found the Vitamin B12-500 to be so bio-available that I am introducing a brand new more affordable Vitamin B12-250 that’s not only an exceptional value, but also easily provides all the potency you will need in a single capsule. It also provides high potencies of all the other B-complex, along with bonus levels of Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and one other super-secret bonus. I will also be offering a special version of my Vitamin D3-1000, which I view as the most important vitamin anyone could consider supplementing and it will also include bonus levels of other key nutrients, including Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and a super-secret bonus ingredient. You are probably wondering what that super-secret bonus ingredient might be and I did not plan on revealing it here, but rather than keeping you guessing and as long as I already revealed the Today’s Specials, I might as well share it all. Each of these products will include 15 mgs of Coenzyme Q10 per capsule. I chose 15 mgs, since that would mean that the two products together are the same potency as my original 30 mg CoQ10 product almost a decade ago. The value would be incredible for just the Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 alone – without the CoQ10 – but with the addition of the CoQ10, it is truly by far the best ever!
Friday’s Today’s Special will be a hard act to follow on Sunday, but I think I might have just the product combination. In fact, Saturday April 10th at midnight and throughout the day on Sunday April 11th we will be do our first weekend double Today’s Special. I suspect many of you already know that one of those products is my Essential Omega-3. But what you did not know is that my Essential Omega-3 now has higher levels of Omega-3, particularly DHA given all the remarkable research on DHA and the Brain and Eyes. That leads me to the perfect partner for Essential Omega-3 in April – a special, one-time formula of my Ultimate Eye Support. It has been years since we have done Ultimate Eye Support as a Today’s Special. It is long overdue and I have heard your requests. Enjoy! These are both brand new formulas offering 25% more of their key ingredients while at the same time being their best values ever. Again…enjoy their unique quality and the savings!
I will also be talking about the new Complete multivitamin briefly on Wednesday night April 7th and Thursday morning with some brand new charts and research. The most important new element of the research discusses the fact that we should not consume more than 500 mgs of Calcium at one time, but I will help you understand what that means on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. That kind of research is for me, the most exciting part of the visit, since that is the kind of information that (whether you buy any of my products or not) represents the most valuable aspect of these broadcasts. It is that research and science that can enable you and those you love to live healthier lives with or without my products.
I look forward to seeing you next week.
All the best of health.
Wow – these are my 3 vitamins that are "must haves" – and all in one visit. That is good and bad though because I can’t afford to buy all of them at once! Love your Secure! I hope the whey version is coming out soon!
Thank you so much for telling us what the specials will be for the entire weekend. As you know, there was some excitement during the last visit, due to lack of prior knowledge. I am anxiously awaiting your visit. I enjoy hearing all of your ‘lessons’. You have inspired me so much that I recently took a Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
I think I already have new orders on all these. Will you be putting your larger cap count in the larger mouthed bottles??? I have so much, it has to be stacked. (I can’t stack narrow mouthed bottles.) Also, it’s so much easier to put your whole hand in the bottle than to pour a few out at a time when filling my 14-day dispenser.
Thank you Andrew for this blog, and disclosing your much anticipated TS’s.The supplement I was hoping for the very most is there, the Omega Three’s and enhanced, second one is the Eye Support.I still have B12, and plenty of Vitamin D, but I will wait for your presentations to make my decisions on my purchases this time.You never dissapoint me in educating me about your supplements, why we take them, why our body needs them. You help me to make well informed decisions about what supplements I put into my body and why. No words are enough to thank you for all you do. You do it all, and I love being in your classroom.I feel like I am going back to school every time, with the best teacher I ever had. Best of Health.:-)
I just had to tell you that I’m jumping up and down (good exercise, right?) over the fact that you’re telling us the TS’s ahead of time!!!!! That makes it SO much easier for me to plan my purchases. In my world, this is hands down the nicest thing you could have done, aside from the products themselves! Thank you, thank you, thank you! (Can you tell I’m excited?)
I am so HAPPY that you are telling us this before hand!!It makes it so much easier to plan what your purchase are for visit will be. I personally have not ordered in advance a bottle, then to find out later that it is the TS but I have heard may others have had this happen, and then can not order at TS (because they can’t afford to) which is always the best deal. This is the greatest thing that you have done! We only wanted to know a day or two before the visit so we would not wait on a product only for it not to be a TS!!! I can never think you enough!!!!
I have one thing to recommend, I would love for you to put the Secure large bottle 100 servings out more than once a year not at the TS value but no sale with 4 flex!!! I buy 2 of the 200 but by spring they are gone.
Also, I was wondering about people like me that always buys you TS in multiples about if you and HSN could consider if you buy more than 1 big bundle or 2 or more of the largest size to consider adding a flex pay or two for 2+. As I have a large family and live on a fixed income and I want to give my family the best supplements that I can(yours) that can afford! I have a Andrew Lessman closest for just your supplements and I buy enough for the year(for 5) this is the only way that we could ever afford all the wonderful and best supplements made. I have suggested this before!!!I just thought in case you did not see it before that I would ask again.I am sure that more flex pays on multi quantity would help many others be able to purchase more!
I can never thank you enough for how your supplements have change my family and their health has improved also!!! This is the best way to cut costs in our health care bills!!!!
I am so excited for your visit this month!!!
Thank you Andrew, yes this makes things much easier this time.
Thank You..Thank You..Thank You..For letting us know what the Today’s Specials are going to be.I’m soooooo excited:)
Now I can plan out my purchases (B-12 and Vitamin D3 with CoQ10)YEAH!!!!Love the Free Shipping bonus.I also love the New Complete multivitamin and Thank You for not adding fish oil.I can’t take fish oil due to an allergy.I always look forward to your HSN visits.Andrew you and your vitamins are the BEST!!!
I am so happy to know what the TS’s will be in advance. And yes, I will be ordering one of each or more. Really excited to see the new eye support. I cannot be without this product. It is the best! May have to order 2 of them. My sister just told me yesterday that her doctor ordered her to take B12. She bought some cheap version at Walmart. I told her you were going to have 2 TS & maybe one would be B12. I am so glad one will be just that. Thank you so very much!
Sorry I’m a bit late (story of my life-will probably be late to my own funeral)! 🙂
Agree that these choices are all top notch! I just happen to need some more D3 too as do I need B-12.
My particular challenge however, is that as a former (but most happy) Bariatric patient, I can’t absorb B-12 via my gut anymore. Any chance U might have this in SL form?
Which brings me to my next "suggestion". I continue to believe (and know)for years now, that your suppliments are the BEST quality (and value) hands down. Period! 🙂
Yet I know that most suppliments being touted as "Bariatric suppliments" simply aren’t that great (although some do make an effort to add extra quantities to compensate for the decrease in absorption by about 30%?)
That said, this is yet another special population that REALLY could use good QUALITY suppliments-if anyone could! 🙂
Andrew, have you given any consideration to producing a line of suppliments that would assist such a special population?
If you look at the stats-you’ll find that there are THOUSANDS of bari pts out there (along with websites that cater to their needs) so there is clearly an audience for a great line of suppliments.
Your quality alone-would wipe out any competition and would serve an especially needy population. I hope you’ll give it some thought and let us know!
Thanks for your consideration,
Melisa L.
Wow, 4 great products for the Today’s Specials! I’m especially happy to see that the Ultimate Eye Support on the list – I buy it for my mom, and it hasn’t been a Today’s Special in awhile.
And, thanks for the advance info – it definitely makes it easier to plan how to spend my vitamin budget!
P.S. Still hoping for a pet glucosamine supplement :o)
I would also love to see you make a sl B-12. I do not need one for the reason as Melisa ,but I too use to buy b-12 SL and enjoyed taking b-12 that way. But the others does not have your quality!!!
Please consider this suggest! As I know that you do with all suggestions.
I always love when you’re on HSN, Andrew! Now I am really excited about the today’s specials!! You are a wonderful teacher when it comes to our health. Can’t wait to see you!
I watch your shows on HSN and I enjoy learning all about the
health benefits and research on all of your products. I am now trying to find the best of your eye support products.
Is it good to use more than one at the same time? I have talked with one of your vitamin specilist about your eye support products, and was told that the NAC 500mg capsule would be good for improving the health of the eyes. Will you be doing research in the future to make an eye support capsule with Coleus Forskohlii, Ginko biloba,Bilberry,French Maritine Pine Bark and any other anti-oxidants that you think would be needed to support healthy intraocular fluid pressure and lower intraocular fluid pressure in the eyes?
Thank you again for all of your help with these wonderful
health products.
I am allergic to any type of seafood, including fish oils, therefore, I can’t take omega supplements. Can you recommend another product of yours what will allow me to get in my omega’s ??? Thans.
THANK YOU,THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Andrew! I was so glad you cleared up that "blood thinner fallacy". I could not believe that post!
Gracious, no right thinking person would present a product and not disclose if it would be life threatening for people taking a blood thinner.
I wanted to respond to the poster….but didn’t think I could diplomatically say "your post just is not true".
Anyway, another thank you for being personally interested in us.
Thank you for all that you do. I missed your special on the combined Resveratrol and Pomegrante. These are two that I use. Are you going to bring this combination back anytime soon?
Thank you.