For the past 37 years, I have endeavored to make the world’s finest vitamins, along with the most reliable information, both accessible and affordable to everyone so you can make informed health decisions. Today, we take another step toward greater affordability by announcing our new Free Shipping policy. Back in 1979, I chose not … Continue Reading ››
Vitamin D.
The Most Important Vitamin.
The Most Economical Vitamin.
The Most Important Vitamin.
The Most Economical Vitamin.
Generally when something is the most important and exceptional thing of its kind, it is also the most expensive. Plus, when that thing is also the most scarce, we would once again expect it to be even more expensive given its scarcity. How often do we find something that is the most important member … Continue Reading ››
Our 19th Anniversary Celebration! Your Favorite Products – Our Best Values
It is hard to believe it has been 19 years since I arrived at HSN. Even more difficult to believe is that it has been 25 years since my products and I first appeared on TV. Those anniversaries are hard to imagine, but even more difficult (frightening) is the fact that just last month, … Continue Reading ››
Celebrate our 18th Anniversary with Two of our Biggest and Best Today’s Specials Ever!
I will also start this blog post with some answers to some recent questions.
It is hard to believe that … Continue Reading ››
An Amazing April Visit Reflects Your Requests
First of all, I greatly appreciate all your input and, thanks to you, my April visit will be wonderful and demonstrate the influence you have on all that I do. First off, you will be excited to find out that, as you requested, ALL of my Today’s Specials will come with Free Shipping. This is … Continue Reading ››