A couple of months ago, I did a Today’s Special offering a higher potency version of Essential Omega-3. It contains the same fish oils as my Essential Omega-3, but in order to reach the desired level of 1,000 mgs of Omega-3s per two capsules, we placed it in a slightly larger capsule than our standard Essential Omega-3 (830 mgs of Omega-3s per two small capsules). We called it Ultimate Omega-3 because it delivers about 20% more Omega-3s per capsule in a slightly larger capsule. Many folks assumed this was an entirely different formula, but it is not. It is merely a higher potency of total Omega-3 and all-important DHA. It also contains the exact same proportion of proprietary orange essence to neutralize any fishy aftertaste.
The process of coming up with the name for this higher potency Omega-3 formula was not complicated. I just did what I normally do with a formula that is higher potency or more comprehensive, such as Ultimate Eye, Ultimate Acai, Ultimate Women’s Wellness, Ultimate Antioxidants, etc. Apparently, I could have chosen a better name, since by calling it Ultimate Omega-3, many folks thought it contained entirely different fish oils than my Essential Omega-3, but it is not really different at all. It is a blend of the same fish oils and flaxseed oil placed in a slightly larger capsule and it therefore provides 20% higher levels of total Omega-3s and 30% higher levels of DHA. Apparently, by using the name Ultimate Omega-3 I caused confusion, but the only difference is the higher potency, since Essential Omega-3 already uses the best fish oils possible – there was no reason to change. To avoid future confusion here and in the marketplace, I thought that a very straightforward name for this product would be Maximum Essential Omega-3. Such a name clearly lets everyone know exactly what it is: Our Maximum potency version of Essential Omega-3.
The capsules of Essential Omega-3 are approximately 50-60% the size of the typical large Omega-3 capsules you see in stores, but nevertheless they still contain equal or higher potency levels and without the other potential undesirable attributes of store-bought Omega-3s (fishy aftertaste, stomach upset, inferior ethyl ester form, contaminants, etc.). The new Maximum Essential Omega-3 (formerly our Ultimate Omega-3) is in a slightly larger capsule that is approximately 60-70% the size of the typical large Omega-3 capsules you see in stores. Basically, if you want the smallest capsule, but still high potency, choose our Essential Omega-3. However, if you don’t mind a slightly larger capsule (still much smaller than typically large capsules), then choose our new Maximum Essential Omega-3 and get 1,000 mgs of Omega-3s per two capsules. In any case, you can rest assured that both formulas contain precisely the same ultra-pure, high quality fish oils without any fishy aftertaste due to our unique orange extract. The only difference is the higher potency you get with Maximum Essential Omega-3 (formerly Ultimate Omega-3).
Sorry for the confusion and I hope that cleared things up.
Best of health,
Yes it did, Thank you!
My whole family takes this and when it was the ts I ordered a couple of them in the largest size. we are running low on them and I’m so happy I can get the same formula as the ts under the maximum name. Thanks Andrew.
I have taken many of your products for many years and have told family and friends about them. I appreciate your explanation about the products and how they work.
The only bit of information that I would like to add is about the Omega-3’s. I started taking the mint flavored and when the TS was Orange flavored, I bought the large size. I have noticed with the Orange flavored there is a fishy after taste, not all the time but some of the time. Will you be have the Mint Flavored as a TS again.
Thanks for your vitamins and explanations.
I’ve purchased Andrew Lessman supplements over the last 15 years and take 5 of his supplements per day. I’m now trying to purchase maximum Omega 3. No flavor with 750 capsules & Coenzyme Q 10. 200 mg 600 capsules. I’m having no luck finding them online.
Where can I find?
I love these products & speak about them often to friends, family & coworkers, & would like to purchase at a reasonable price. Please advise.
Hi Andrew
Last April (2010 ) my trigleserides were 189 and the doctor said that was high. I just had a new blood test and they dropped to 141!!!!!!! I doubled up on the Omega’s and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. Cholestrol is one point about normal. I’m 71 and do not want to be on the statin drugs. Thank you Andrew
It seems like only glowing reviews, or comments are allowed, or they are removed. I will try anyways,as I spoke to your CS about my issue with the Maximum Omega Three, and how negative the experience was. I will not go through it again here.I never had any problem with your Essential version, excellent product. Maximum ,I will not take again.Never tasted any after taste until I tried the Ultimate(Maximum) TS, overwhelming orange taste , and made me very ill. Never tasted anything with the Essential version, pleasant expereince. Your CS has spoken to me, so no need to rehash it here.Even when I took your Essential for years it did not effect my High Cholesterol, and I eat a decent diet.It helped my Dry Eyes though. I will only order the Essential version in the future. I think all opinions count. I hope there will still be a Essential TS someday Vs: the Maximum, that the customer will get a choice of formulations.Plesae take this into consideration. Thank you from a loyal customer of many years.
My honest comment was deleted, and I have been a loyal customer for years? I will not bother anymore..Too much censorship here…feel free to silence any criticisms.I will not be voicing my opinions anymore, as only glowing reviews are accepted.Bye….
There was no confusion on my part but I still enjoyed the explaination!!! We really stocked up when you had it as a TS recently.
Thank you,
Bobbye Oliver
Wow you delete me as soon as I post?
Would love to hear what KK had to say that was deleted…..
I posted a mixed review, as I have been a customer of Andrew’s for many years now , and spent a small fortune on his products. I say one mixed review, and it is deleted, for now on I am copying & pasting it away. You never know if it will be here the next time you look??
Basically what I said was I got the Ultimate Omega TS back in April, and what a bad experience it was for me, I told his CS about it. I have been using his Essential Omega for years with no problems.I also said I planned on continuing with the Essential Omega.I don’t know what I said deserving censorshhip? Won’t be surprised if this dissapears…..
Apologies KK, we do not delete any comments unless they contain inappropriate language. Your comment was inadvertently held by our spam blocker but now has been released and is available for all to read. Thank you for your input and your business.
I got that Today’s Special for the Ultimate Omega 3! I wondered about it’s interaction with my beta blocker Atenlol? They both seem to thin the blood. And now that I’m eating more fish and flax seed meal naturally – I’m worried about too much Omega 3 in my system as I don’t need a lower blood pressure then I already have.
Any advice?
Andrew you are the best i have been taking many of your supplements, being proactive with my health, for over 8 years. The first purchase i made from you was the Glucosamine and Chondrotin for dogs..it worked so well for them i started taking it and since you discontinued the dog formula (its the same as the human formula) i give mine to my furbabies along with the CoQ10 and the Omega fish oil, the rest of my supplements i dont share with them
Andrew, I’m a little confused. When I looked up the ingredients for both it stated that the essential had more of everything, omega 3’s and DHa. Is this a misprint?
I use many of your products. The Essential Omega-3 is the one that I think might be bad. I ordered several months ago, (don’t know exactly when). I started them, then stopped because I was taken other meds. When I went to start them again, on the bottom of the bottle, one or two broke open, now the rest of the pills are covered in the liquid and they are all stuck together. I have approximately 10 capsules left there. I had ordered the 30 count. I really think that when I was taken them I felt different. My question is how long are they good for? They were kept in a dry place in my cabinet. Could I get some kind of credit on my next purchase of Omega 3??
Use his compare products on his home page, and comapre the versions.You need two of the Maximum to get Maximum benefits,it is listed as one softgel per serving. You are not seeing things, and no typos.You will get less with the Maximum if you only take one per day.You need two of them, to get more than the original Essential.Peronally I will stick with the original. The new version I had a very bad experience with.
Will you be offering this new high potency Maximum Essential Omega-3 in a version without orange essence? I had no problem with "repeating" with the plain old Omega-3, which didn’t have the mint or orange essence added. I did have "repeating" though, with this new Maximum Essential Omega-3.
Hello. I have to post my comment here because there is no easy way to email you, Andrew, without going through the Procaps chain of command. The subject is ultimate eye support. I have been spend a lot of money on this product and I am discovering that it is missing an adequate dosage of Vitamin E and contains no zinc at all. A, C, E and zinc (as well as lutein and zeaxanthin) are all important ingredients. Would you address this, please.
Thank you for the Digestion Kit. I truly appreciate the savings.
Note to Ruby: on the side of the package of the Ultimate Eye Support, it is noted that it would be best taken with one of his Complete products, which does have everything you mention.
I had promised not to buy much this showing and ended up spending a small fortune: thanks again for all the great deals!!
I love your fish oil in the omega 3. It relieves my dry eyes. I have recommended it to many. My question is if it is alright for children, age 11? I trust you and would appreciate your information.
Speaking of Omega-3, I checked online to refer to some ingredients in the Founder’s formula, and found that it has a bunch of stuff removed! Namely, Omega-3, glucosomine, chondroitin, and a bunch of other stuff.
Surely that must be a mistake?!?!?
Perhaps you could do a blog update to clarify this. This has been my staple supplement for years now!
Thanks for reading!! 🙂
Hello Andrew,
I am so excited to get this as I ordered it on HSN special deal and I am just waiting for the product to come in again. I love your shows and hope you keep bringing us awesome products!
Hi Andrew, for some one with low or no income, is there anyway I can get some of your vitamines.Thanks for your help in advance.
Please make an allergy herbal product. I would trust it if it was made by you. Something for seasonal allergies, hayfever, etc. Thanks.
My Doctor says that there is only one brand of Fish Oil that is FDA approved not to have Mercury in it and it is 140.00 for the script. What part of the world do you get your fish oil from and what kind of fish. What are you doing to make sure that there is no PCB or Mercury in the Fish Oil? I have been told that all fish from China has a great amount of Mercury.
Please make a Vegetarian version of omega 3. There is a new product currently on the market like this by the makers of Culturelle. I would rather take something made by you. Please consider making this. Thanks.
Persons on bloodthinners should know that they need to consult with their doctor and we all know that Andrew always says that too….that seems to be the common sense thing to do anyway….JUST GOT TO LOVE THAT ULTIMATE OMEGA 3….AND ALL OF THE REST…..BUT HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE TOO…..THANK YOU ANDREW LESSMAN FOR ALL OF YOUR FINE PRODUCTS….
i am aregular user of:
leg and vein support
healthy hair skin and nails
colestecare and fbermucil
ultimate Omega 3’s
Ultimate eye support
all this in addition to ultimate complete. How can we get this all in a complete formula., so I can remove 6-7 bottles off my night stand
Andrew ,can you please advise ? i take many of your supplements i love them all ,my ? is about fish oil i take 2 capsules per day ,i read that taking more then 3 grams of fish oil can thin your blood out am i taking too much?
Hello Andrew: I have some questions regarding to DHA and EPA in fish oil. I know you always say DHA is more important than EPA according to research studies. However, another group of people also said according to scientific research studies, both are important to our body but EPA is much more important. They also said (according to studies) EPA is much easier to convert to DHA, when bodies need it, than the other way around. I still believe DHA is more important. But can you clarify that with us? Thanks
I really wish you would consider offering flex payments on
your auto delivery orders! We are all on limited incomes, and even though your products are great and I use many of them, they do get to be quite pricey. Th monthly easy payments would really help! Thanks
I LOVE Andrews vitamins! The fish oil is great. Don't taste a thing. Goes down great. I trust Andrew completely. That's why I buy his vitamins. Please keep up the good work.
omega 3 in your on line catalog is 69.90 for 180, yet hsn has it for 59.90 on its on catalog…..?
I love your maximum essential omega fish oil the one with the orange is perfect, even though i also liked the mint one, with the orange oil i can pierce it and give it to my furbabies (dogs) as fish oil is beneficial to them too
I would like to know what Andrew says about, omega 3 causing a 70% more chance of developing prostate cancer to men who take this product. Is there someone who will answer this question?It was all over the news.
Thank you!
how many grams of omega 3 are needed daily? Also, what about "ethyl-ester" in caps? Is that a concern?
Which of your fish oil products is most effective on tendonitis inflammation? I recently met a person who says fish oil took his pain away but he buys store variety fish oil. Also I have acid reflux and am concerned about stomach issues. Thanks for your help.
Are there any known interactions between ultimate eye support and blood pressure and/or cholesterol medication?
I was wondering about maximum essential fish oil purchased recently..
How much of the daily dose recommended dies the body absorb?
Isn't it important to know just how much I am actually absorbing?
Maybe I missed this info when it was introduced on the shopping network..
I have fun with, cause I found just what I was having a look for. You have ended my 4 day lengthy hunt! God Bless you man. Have a great day. Bye
What is your take on the new JAMA study report?
Thanks for sharing this blog. This is very useful information about omega-3 for dos. Thanks
Andrew, I have 2 young cats, Age 4 and Age 1 1/2 years old. 2 questions: Can I use your Maximum, Essential Omega 3 capsules to put on their cat food? If so, how much of the capsule – whole, one-half, etc. I would probably use it 2 or 3 times a week. Does the fact that both cats are young make a difference as to whether or not they need Omega 3?
If not, could you recommend another product.
Please comment.