A surprisingly negative review was posted about the ingredient 5-HTP in my Night Time product and I just thought I would respond, since it communicates inaccurate and inappropriate information. This review falsely states that, “5-HTP is unsafe to be taken by ANYONE.” That is patently inaccurate and completely false. 5-HTP is not unsafe – least of all in the 10 mg dose present in this gentle, relaxing product. As background, 5-HTP is the biochemical “nickname” for 5-Hydroxytryptophan, which is a naturally occurring amino acid (component of protein) and plays numerous roles in biological systems, such as being a necessary precursor for the body’s normal, natural creation of protein, enzymes, serotonin (natural neurotransmitter), melatonin (natural neurohormone) and more. Tryptophan might sound familiar, since it is found in virtually all food protein sources and is abundant in dairy products, fish, meat and various nuts and seeds. It is one of the reasons why some folks associate a warm glass of milk as a good pre-bedtime ritual or expect to feel drowsy after a large turkey dinner at Thanksgiving or Christmas. The mechanisms for those relaxing effects are not as simple as drinking milk or eating turkey, but Tryptophan’s normal presence in protein sources and its natural role in the production of neurochemicals required for sleep and relaxation are well established. The absolute inaccuracy of any assertion of risk from 10 mg of 5-HTP is brought into perspective by the fact that a small 3.5 ounce portion of Turkey naturally contains 25x more Tryptophan while 3.5 ounces of dried egg white contains 100x more Tryptophan than Night Time! In short, this ingredient is not even remotely risky at these levels and I would never deliver it at any other level other than an entirely safe level. In fact, Night Time is formulated specifically to include a comprehensive list of natural, relaxing ingredients rather than high levels of any single ingredient. It is formulated to be extremely mild and to rule out any risk whatsoever, including that of hangover in the morning.
5-HTP in Night Time.
By the way, I suspect the inaccurate statement regarding this risks of 5-HTP comes from the fact that about 20 years or so ago, there was a bad batch of contaminated Tryptophan produced in Asia that made it into supplements. It was not natural Tryptophan and the impurity was the problem – not the Tryptophan, but that was over 20 years ago and, just as any product can be contaminated if a chemical producer overseas makes errors, it does not mean that all foods or medicines or supplements are therefore contaminated. I believe what might have happened is that while the Internet is a great tool for gathering information, it can also make even very old information seem current and new.
Summarizing, Tryptophan is abundant in food and the levels present in my Night Time are a small fraction of what is consumed in the normal diet. I would never recommend that Tryptophan be consumed in mega-doses or doses that are more than a few hundred mgs per day – unless recommended by a physician. As I said above, we deliver 10 mgs of 5-HTP with Night Time. It is completely safe and it is not genetically engineered and we provide it from a naturally safe and reliable source.
Additionally, there are currently over 420 reviews for Night Time on HSN.com with a collective rating of 4.2 stars out of a perfect 5 stars, which means that more than 70% of those reviews are a perfect 5 stars and an amazing 80% are either 4 or a perfect 5 stars. That is not what you would expect from a product whose formula was so harshly, but falsely, criticized.
I hope that put anyone’s mind to rest regarding that ingredient and our mild Night Time formula.
Best of health,
I use your Night Time and it is great. It relaxes my mind enabling me to fall asleep with no "hangover" feelings the next morning.
Thanks for expounding on the benefits of this product. I have used Night Time for a couple of years and it is a lifesaver for me. I have suffered with chronic insomnia for ten years, and while Night Time is not a cure, it has greatly improved the quality of my sleep. It is very mild and allows me to relax into a nice restful sleep for a few hours which I was not able to do before. Thanks for continuing to bring this to us!
Thank you for clarifying. Its great that your staff must really read your emails to find someone who expressed such negativity about your product. I believe your products are pure and I feel comfortable using them. Thank you for keeping the public up to date on this and all your products.
Andrew, are you planning on bringing us Krill Oil in the future. Also Nattokinease? My husband has been buying these at the health food store and says the Krill Oil is much easier to take. He replaced the aspirin regimen he is on with the Nattokinease because it doesn’t upset his stomach and the clotting factor is better. I was wondering if you were thinking of bringing these supplements on board?Also,my entire family is taking your CoQ10, do you plan another Today’s Special soon? We’re getting low. I buy enough for my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and myself. I also have bought the children’s formula. When I reorder the children’s formula, I will need it without the iron. I think you have that if I’m not mistaken. Granddaughter, 3, having problems with constipation and I believe it’s the iron, IMO. Great products, Andrew. Very satisfied customer.
Mary in Texas and HSN shopper
Thanks, Andrew, sorry you had to even address this. I take this sometimes at night & have no hangover effects in the morning. I appreciate your knowledge of the industry & how you share it with everyone. Thanks!!
Even though I appreciate its efficacy, I prefer the previous
product label.
I tried this product and had a bad reaction to it so I never finished the bottle. I took it to my doctor and told her how I felt after taking it and she said I may have had a bad reaction the the melitonin so I haven’t tried any more natural sleep aids.
I love this product! I’ve been using it for several years and it helps me calm down so I can fall asleep naturally. I usually take just one at night, sometimes 2, and I’ve never had a problem with a "hangover" feeling in the morning.
I love Andrew Lesman’s products but there are some that does not agree w/ me like the nightime, pm relaxation n multi vitamin w/c all gives me headache. there must be some ingredients in all of those three that gives me the side effect, other than that everything else so far that I have tried I am happy n gives best result.
I use this Night time and do not have any problems with it. I am so happy that you are making it and will continue buying it.Thank you Andrew for having wonderful products Your the Best
I am a user of all your fine products and I especially favor the Night Time. I use it every night and have been using it for several years with never an adverse reaction. It helps me to fall asleep and I would not be without it or any of the other Pro-Cap products I take.
Andrew, i hope you have removed that inaccurate and false comment on 5htp. It does not deserve to be on your web site at all. Imagine being dumb enough to comment on something one has no real knowledge of.
Andrew – I love Night time. Never had a problem with it. It gently lulls you to sleep when you need it. You are the only person I trust for my supplements. You teach us about them and the way they are manufactured by solar power is another plus.
I have been taking Night time for a few years now. I have suffered from bouts of insomnia since 2004. This product allows you to relax and fall asleep without an extreme hangover feeling in the morning. It allows you to drift off to sleep which is better than any other sleeping pill I’ve ever tried. I was once prescribed Ambien and I did not feel like I could wake up for work the next day– but this product simply relaxes you and allows you to sleep naturally… Which is exactly what Andrew promises with this product. I have had no adverse effects from ANY of the ingredients. I highly recommend to those who need help falling asleep.
I have used Nitetime for a few years and all I can say is – what a wonderful product and why someone hadn’t thought of it years ago. I was hesitant in the beginning, but after years of not getting a good nights sleep, I tried this product. It works!!!! You fall asleep naturally and feel like you have had a good nights sleep when you wake up. Great product!!!
I tried Night Time several times, it does help me to fall asleep, but in the morning I wake up with a headache, and I believe is the side effect from the Valerian.
I often get emails asking me to rate products, and I have never responded. However, after reading the comment about Night Time I feel that I must weigh in. I purchase many of Andrew’s products, including Night Time. I love them all. I use Night Time, only when needed and I feel completely safe and assured that it delivers natural, effective ingredients and the desired response that it is intended for. I rate Night Time 5/5! Thank you, Andrew, for your response regarding your product.
The Night Time product, I couldn’t FEEL any SAFER purchasing ANDREWS products, I take many of Andrews products, and I’m happy with every one of them and No SIDE EFFECTS with any of them. Andrews products are the only ones that I don’t have problems with,no upset stomach, no headaches, no groggy feelings no NOTHING, Again I will say I feel very safe taking any of ANDREWS products. THANK YOU very much Andrew, glad your making these products available to us.
I have never been able to use OTC sleeping aids and thankfully don’t take any prescription medications. I have had a problem for years not being about to stay asleep through the night. I would fall asleep quickly and then awaken about an hour later and sometimes be awake at day break. Since I have been using Night Time I fall asleep as usual and stay asleep all night and wake refreshed, no drugged sleep hang over, no headache.
I am very thankful for Andrew’s Night Time. Thank you Andrew. Because of this product I have a better quality of life.
I use many of the PRO CAPS supplements and very grateful for all of them.
Thank you for taking the time to explain Andrew! I was NEVER worried. I take one capsule every night. I would never be without this product. I wish you would tour the U.S. and do "meet and greet" sessions. So many of us love and respect you and would love the opportunity to meet you.
This product is a lifesaver. I’ve been taking it for over 2 years now. When I hit my mid 40’s I thought a good nights sleep was a thing of the past. I could fall asleep, but would wake up at 1am and lay there for hours. Now if I wake up I am able to fall back asleep quickly with absolutly no side effects ever.
I don’t take Night time yet, but I am going to order some now! >; ) Reading this just makes me know what I have known for 10+ years of taking your products! They are superb, with a superb knowledgeable man behind them. Andrew, yu always handle these things so well, if only you had a product out there to make the nut cases get "normal"… We love you Andrew and we love your product and staff! I take most all the products and I have extremely good results… most of your staff know my story and will gladly give a testimony anyday as to how wonderful these products are. I have recently started my husband on them and he see’s the difference too. I will be calling my order in and adding the Night Time to it very soon!
I’ve been taking Andrew’s Night Time product for over 2 years now as I work 2nd and 3rd shift and this helps me keep a more regimented sleep schedule and I have to say this product is exceptional at what it does and in no way has any negative side effects. I also have been taking Andrew’s Complete Elite w/ultimate fish oil now maximum for several years and I have never felt better. Think about what you would like your level of health to be and choose a supplement/s to help get you there but remember diet and exercise are also needed. Thank you Andrew for giving us onlt the best:)
Well…Andrew is absolutely correct. I’ve been taking 5-HTP 100mgs/3 times a Day to relax me and give a sense of calmness for yrs. I do take his night time occasionally(it has other ingredients to assist with the 5-htp).Works great also… It’s absolutely Safe to me!!!! I will continue to use it…
Hey Andrew!
I like Night Time also and PM Relaxation – If I’m not mistaking, I think you said PM relaxation is similar version of Night Time – oh well I like them both. Good work!
I agree with the label comment, I offered a friend to
try my bottle but she said, ‘what’s with the ghoulish type
pic?"; I want to give this as gifts, but won’t till there’s a
better image. The product delivers on its promises.
Andrew, thank you for sharing this info with us all. I am on many of your products. However some I cant buy from you because of cost. But you gave me the tools to know what TO buy when going else where. I thank you for that.
Ever since you started on HSN I have became much healthier and Happier.
I read that inappropriate review on HSN about Nightime. That reviewer should research first about 5-HTP before making such a statement that would scare people. I’ve been taking these for a long time and I’m still healthy as I can be and most of all I’M STILL ALIVE! If 5-HTP is unsafe, other vitamins from other manufacturers containing this ingredient would have been taken off the shelves a long time ago. WHAT AN IGNORANT REVIEWER! I hate people giving statements in which they really have no knowledge of what they are talking about.
Andrew Lessman products are trustworthy just as Andrew is…I truly believe that Andrew only makes the best and would never do anything to hurt a single soul….
My daughter, sister, mother, husband and I range in age from 18 to 77 years young. I personally take 40 – 45 of Andrew’s capsules every day, including his fabulous NIGHT TIME 9:00 each night 🙂 Otherwise, I would lay there until 2 or 3 in the morning, unable to turn it all off & get some much-needed rest!
Each of us has had "issues" ranging from indigestion to heart problems. We all whole-heartedly believe it is because of Andrew’s products we enjoy healthy, active lives.
Thank you!!!
Is this safe for those coming off of an SSRI? I ask because the 5-HTP would affect seretonin.
When I use this product it makes me rest so good and personally I would like to see more 5-HTP in Night Time if at all possible because I do not know how true it is but I was told it could aid in weight loss.
I tried this product some time ago.It did not agree with me, and I will not take it again. One size does not fit all. It interfered with my sleep, and gave me terrible nightmares.Just my experience, and if it works for anyone that is great. Andrew has many great supplements that I do use,just not this one.
I could not sleep without Night Time! It causes me to relax just enough to go on to sleep. My head hits the pillow and I don't wake up until morning. I am sooo thankful for it. My husband takes it also. And no hang-over in the morning.
thanks a million for telling us about this, we appreciate your concern.
I have used this product to help me relax before bed on stressful days. Never had any adverse effects. I have to wake up around 5 am and never feel groggy. Love you Andrew!
I have been using this product as well as many other of Procap vites since the company was started and never had a bad product or adverse reaction. I have endorsed Procaps to famly and friends as they are the only products on the market I trust.
I was taking L-Tryptophane 20 yrs ago +, and had Eosehiplilla (43 blood test) and had problems walking up seteps….Dr. Rx'd all the blood test he could think of and then some, including Bone Morrow, MRI, and test for parasites….nothing was negative…after 6 weeks my blood work was normal…..(after I had stopped the L-trypthopane)……then, a few months after that reports of folks dying of this problem and it was traced to the coating on the tryphotane(made in China) that was the problem…..never the less for many yrs after that it was difficult if not impossible to buy L-tryptophane……Now, I take it and no problems…….LESSON LEARNED THAT WE MUST MONITOR WHO MAKES THE PILLS WE TAKE! That is one reason I feel comfortable taking Andrew's "PILLS".
Hi Andrew
Is this night time product safe to take with following meds
diltiazem, oxycodone, clonazepam, low dose asa/for a-fib
i have ordered many of your products. they are good quality and easy to take. would like to know if there is something to take to get rid of parasites
I love Nighttime! It helps me relax and sleep well. I have used it for years. Never a problem.
I havr MS and notice all of a sudden my back and side teeth r breaking what can i take to strengthen my teeth
I have tried many of Andrew’s products and I love them all! I have never had any reactions or issues. In fact, I am reordering a bunch and trying a few new ones!
Dear People,
5htp is no doubt wonderful for most people, however those of us who are Bipolar can have problems with it, it that can lead to a manic state. I read this in Mark Stengler’s literature. Dr. Stengler is a well known Natural type doctor in California. Few people are bipolar and I can take l-tryptophan with no problems.
Re Cinnamon 350:
1st question: Several decades ago my husband had Diabetes II. A friend recommended taking WalMart’s Cinnamon pills for diabetes. We had tried several other brands, but WalMart’s actually began to lower his glucose. He slowly lowered his metformin as his glucose levels went down. After several years, they became normal, and he was able to stop taking metformin. He continues to control his glucose level with a healthy diet that includes green smoothies and 2 few cinnamon pills a day; finally he was able to stop taking them when his eye doctor announced that diabetes was no longer evident in his eye tissue . I had often wondered why WallMart’s brand was the most effective. A chiropractor suggested that their brand had chromium in it. I have noticed that some brands contain chromium now that address Blood Sugar Health. Since, I trust your knowledge, I wondered if you had done research on chromium, because your product does NOT contain chromium. My own glucose level is borderline now, and I need to choose a brand to start taking.
2nd question: . After receiving 3 stents in his heart, my husband was able to control his cholesterol level with “red yeast rice” instead of a statin. I have spoken with many people who couldn’t take it for a variety of side of effects. I am curious if you had done any research on red yeast rice to make it less prone to cause an allergic reaction.
3rd question: I take a product called AdreCor which would probably help many people to sleep better and feel better because the ingredient help the body make amino acids and maybe dopamine. I am mentioning it because you are creative and honest, and think this type of product would be of great interest to the TV audience you address.
Circulation Product: I first heard of you last year when I began to watch HSN because the news on the air was depressing. One day you popped up on my screen. I have been taking Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails and Eye Support with good results. Recently, I bought the Circulation product for my husband and I me because our ankles have been swelling. It has been helping a little; I presume as we build up the ingredients and possibly take more, it would be more effective..
I was surprised when I called last week to order more for my friend, that the price had dropped drastically. I didn’t realize that could happen, so I will have to sign up for HSN’s announcements. Do you send out announcements?
Lastly: Have you considered making your pills into just a jar of powder. It would be cheaper for all of us. My body doesn’t digest capsules well, and writing about this reminded me to ask if it would be effective if I opened the capsules and dissolved the powders in water.
Tnx for your dedication to health and honesty to the public.
My husband wants to know how many vitamins should we take, Mark will take anything I buy from you.he is absessed with taking his muti pack for men ,coq10 fish oil fruits two fruits of yours,cinnamon,hand fulls ,please let us know what’s Nessessärs, thank you Peggy weitman,
What should a person all take in vitamins .
I love you Andrew! Your vitamins have changed my life. I’ve tried so many supplements, and always come back to re place yours. Positive Passage has been a game changer for me. It keeps me calm and balances my mood out. Your Valerian root is unlike any other I have ever taken. So potent and immediately relaxes. I have a very sensitive stomach and have NEVER had any issues. Secure is great too!! Do you ever think you’d range out into vitamin patches or work with CBD? Anyways, I think your products and advice are great❤️
I love your products. I’ve tried drugstore vitamins and supplements but they hurt my stomach. Your products do not. I feel so much more Energetic!!
I have been taking pro caps vitamins and supplements for years. I always recommend them .
I also take Night Time. It gives me a much deeper sleep which I so I desperately need. These are the only vitamins I will ever take.