My next visit is less than a week away and this may well be one of the best visits ever. First, we will have Special Pricing on ALL my products! Second, we will have FREE shipping on all my products! Third, I have added several Weekend Specials, which are just like additional Today’s Specials that last all weekend. In other words, Super Special Prices and FREE Shipping on every single product I make!
A special version of Healthy Hair Skin and Nails will be the Today’s Special on Sunday the 11th and you can enjoy the guaranteed benefits of my most popular product at a fraction of its normal price. But first, on Friday July 9th, I will introduce my brand new Calcium-Magnesium Intensive Care, which contains 25% more Calcium than before – yet at its lowest price ever. Of course, it still comes in the same small easy-to-swallow capsules that are gentle even to sensitive stomachs. My new Calcium-Magnesium Intensive Care now offers a perfect 500 mgs of Calcium per dose, which is the amount recommended as the maximum single dose of Calcium. Taking more than 500 mgs of Calcium at one time only interferes with your benefits and is best divided up throughout the day. Of course, there is no other product that comes close to my Healthy Hair Skin and Nails and Sunday’s Today’s Special provides almost 4,000 mcgs of Biotin per two capsules! That is almost 2,000 mcgs per capsule, which is almost four times the levels found in my original formula a decade ago. It is so comprehensive that it also contains more than a dozen other ingredients (including some special bonus ingredients) to insure the greatest opportunity for the greatest benefits.
I hope to see you next Thursday at 10 PM Eastern Time and then at midnight for the Today’s Special of my brand new Calcium-Magnesium Intensive Care with Vitamin D3. The pricing is amazing and my small, powder-filled capsules are guaranteed gentle even to the most sensitive stomachs. No huge Calcium horse pills will ever be made by my company! Calcium-Magnesium Intensive Care will be available throughout the day on Friday and then I am back on-air Saturday morning at 11 AM and 11 PM with my Healthy Hair Skin and Nails Today’s Special at midnight and then throughout the day on Sunday.
During this visit, every product I make will be Specially Priced and also come with Free Shipping. Plus, for every bottle ordered, we will donate a bottle of Prenatal vitamins to a needy mother somewhere in the world. It will be a healthy weekend for everyone!
I hope to see you next week. Enjoy the Fourth of July Celebration.
Be safe and be healthy.
This is exactly what I was hoping for. I was hoping it would not be just Calcium, but Magnesium too! Finally, so happy about this product ,especially as a TS. I am definately getting that one, and the HHS&N sounds awesome too.Really excited now for your visit next week!
Have a Great Holiday Weekend!
great Holiday Weekend!
Sorry about the typo repeat. I guess I was just so excited about the TS’s! 😉
How about an edit button?
Dear Andrew,
I have written my request several times. I never know how to get a reply.
Anyway, I’ve requested that you continue to have your large size bottles be the "tube" like bottles. The ones with the opening as large as the bottom. I take a lot of your vitamins, and dole out 14 days worth at a time in my pill keeper. It is so hard to always tip the bottle to get the pills out as it is to just put my hand down into the bottle.
Also, I have so many bottles, I need to stack them. The narrow mouthed bottles do not stack. Every time I run out of something in a narrow mouthed bottle and I see it on TV still in that type bottle, I tend not to buy it. It’s just takes up too much space in my kitchen.
Thanks Andrew,
Now I can start shopping on the 4th for other things I’m out of. I saw a new bundle on; Fibermucil & Cholestarcare. Great combo, thought it might be a TS but I’ll be checking out the pricing on that one as well.
See ya on Thursday. =)
I agree about the bottles,i take soo many of your vitamins ,i wish you would create a portable vitamin case labeled with each vitamin name…:)
Great idea about stacking the bottles! It’s true, the few I have stack really nice in the pantry. Please do consider that for all bottles in the future.
Dearest Andrew,
I agree with Dottie about the bottles but I have a suggestion for you or HSN: market some type of storage rack to hold the bottles. I take about 20 of your supplements (began using them when you were on QVC) and have designed my own storage system: I use a chrome rack that has 3 adjustable shelves; bottom holds the largest bottles, middle holds 180 caps sizes, and top holds big bottles of Secure.
Also, I wish there was a way to purchase more of your awesome sunglasses.
Thank you for your wonderful products. I look forward to your HSN visits.
I will be ordering at least 2 of the Calcium TS’s. One for myself & one for my sister. I am so glad to know this in advanced. My sister has been taking a calcium supplement from Walmart & said her back was hurting (she has osteoporosis). She said it had d3 in it as well. I told her she needed to be taking your supplements. I told her you would be having 2 TS’s soon & hopefully one of them would be calcium. This happened back in April when my younger sister (I have 8 sisters) said she was out of Omega 3 & bought a cheap version at Walmart. I ordered 3 of those TS’s, one for me, & 2 for her & her husband. When family members tell me that your supplements are too expensive compared to Walmart, I always tell them "you get what you pay for." If you want vitamins that truly do what they say they will do, then get Ancrew’s. Again Andrew, thank you for letting us know in advance. And thank you for making the world’s finest vitamins!
Another disappointment with the TS. I used to buy every one of them but lately, they are just not for me. I really need the Glucosamine 1500 and fibermucil. They haven’t been TS’s for awhile. It seems it’s always vitamin D and being summertime, we are getting plenty of vitamin D.
How much vitamin D can we take?
Please………..please………offer a Bundle price on Glucosamine and/or [Glucosamine with Chondroitin]. I count on this product have stocked up each July when you’ve offered it as a TS. Please offer special pricing on this….I’ve been holding out and waiting for your July visit just to order. HHSkin & Nails have been offered consistenly in July as TS, please don’t forget about the Glucosamine customer. Thanks for your consideration Andrew….I look forward to your informational visits and wealth of knowledge.
HSN shows 4 TS Specials per the email I received from them. What are the other 2? TIA
I’ll second the request to offer some type of special pricing this weekend on the Glucosamine since it won’t be a TS. I’ve been giving mine away to a friend in need and was hoping to stock up as well as letting her purchase a large bottle for herself. Even the largest bottle available (360) isn’t on flex pay and she won’t be able to afford it. Thanks.
I talk a truck load of your vitamins and feel they are directly the reason I feel so good. I have been reading about Immuno-viva Core. I love the reviews and was wondering if this would be good for me to add to your regimen. I only take your suppliments at this time but I am really ingerested in the reviews of this product. Thanks Brenda
I third that love your vitamins I take many of your vits and would love to see special pricing on glucosamine and chondroitin and msm. Cant wait to see you on hsn and listen to all of you wonderful info on your insight on vits, thanks again big fan, mark
I agree with Dottie and others about the jars. The canisters are so much handier than narrow mouth bottles. We can just reach in to take what we need rather than having to pick up the bottle and try to shake out the correct number of capsules. Please bring back the canisters!
On the other hand, please don’t make the lid on the Complete 120 jars any larger. It’s already at the limit of my hand size.
Hi Andrew,
I’m looking for an Omega-3 supplement that is not fish-based. I’ve found one source but have a lot of confidence in your products. Is this something you have in the works?
In your assessment, is it possible to get the same benefits from a "vegetarian" Omega-3 supplement as from fish-based capsules?
Thanks for your products,
Where is the rest of this blog?
The blog is finally here to read in its entirety.
So, there is no bundle this Friday for the TS? I love bundles cuz I usually need one of them and will order both.
I am so well stocked in Vitamin D but sounds like it’s part of the new Cal/Mag vitamin. I am still undecided if I will order this one. I haven’t ordered Cal/Mag for awhile and did not get the HSN last year. I will probably order both since it sounds like Cal/Mag is a great vitamin. I am still on the fence about HSN…..decisions, decisions!!
I have so much to order so I hope the prices HSN is showing now are the correct prices. My poor credit card but I love free shipping and special deals!
Still thrilled about the Calcium/Magnesium, and getting that. I was dissapointed to learn that EGCG will be in the HHS&N this time for the TS. I won’t be getting that one.I will get your orininal version though instead. I liked last year’s Pomegranate version. I was hoping for almost anything, but the EGCG as your additional goody, I tried that one in the past. Oh well, still excited about your visit though.:)
Hope you still are thinking about a EPO TS, maybe as part of a bundle someday?
Thanks for letting us know in advance the TS !!!
When are you going to do fiber as a TS !! It has been too long! I buy the 1200 every 3 months for my family when need a bottle of 2,000 or 3,000 so I can buy 3or 4 TS for the year on a great flex pay of 4 or 5 flex ~I live on a fixed income but I want my family to take the best vitamins that I can give them ( which is yours) But I must have flex so I can pay for it out over a few months !!
Also, I need a potassium vitamin!! You need to bring one to HSN!! I only take your vitamins. But I must take potassium from the drug store and I hate trying to swallow the "horse pills" they are all huge and not any capsules with fine powder!
Please bring this to Hsn were we can buy on flex pay the huge bottles! I must take this every day for the rest of my life !! And none of your others have any potassium in them !
Thanks Andrew
Yes, flex pay helps a bunch!!!
first of all i would love to thank you for all the flexs pays to . we are on a limited budget to and would not be able to afford the vitamins we take if it wasnt for the flexs pays . would like to thank you also for the essentials one that was on hsn your last visit . things have been really tight and my husband enjoy your muti 4-5 pill pack vitamins but at the moment would couldnt afford for him to keep taking them so it was nice to have the option to still get some vitamins he needed at a lower cost even though we know it has less ingredients . somes better than none . hoping your going to offer another deal on your omegas although you did a today special recently in the orange flavor which i got for my husband but i prefer the mint flavor omegas so i was unable to get me a bottle in a TSV because the mint wasnt a option . im very low and hope you will have some type of special this weekend on omega . i have notice to some TSV and etc you have used EGCG ( green tea ) . i have issue w/ even the small amount of caffeine . it would be nice if when you over such a product if also you could make some product w/o EGCG for people that cant use a product w/ it in it . i have had to go w/o TSV just because of that ingredient . i know EGCG has alot of benefits but im sure there are alot of people that have not gotten a product like me because they cant take it .
oh one other thing do you think that maybe someday soon it might be possible to up the calcium in the essential one ? it would be great not to have to buy a separate bottle of calcium just to add a little bit more when we have so many other bottles we some time get lazy and not open that calcium bottle . still would love to see some pet vitamins and something for shiny coats ( like omega ) and it would be awesome to see secure w/ stevia or something more natural for sweetness .
Can you speak a little about the parathyroid and how it controls absorbtion of calcium and vitamin d? I have been taking calcium from you for several years, and it is in the normal range despite a family history of osteoperosis. Taking Fosomax in addition to calcium. My vitamin d was very low during a recent blood test (13). After 3 months of a prescription dose, I am taking 2,000 units of your vitamin d daily. Vitamin d is now up to 25. I will be retested in a few months. How much should I take if I have this problem. I have had Melanoma in the past, so sun exposure must be limited.
Can you speak a little about the parathyroid and how it controls absorbtion of calcium and vitamin d? I have been taking calcium from you for several years, and it is in the normal range despite a family history of osteoperosis. Taking Fosomax in addition to calcium. My vitamin d was very low during a recent blood test (13). After 3 months of a prescription dose, I am taking 2,000 units of your vitamin d daily. Vitamin d is now up to 25. I will be retested in a few months. How much should I take if I have this problem. I have had Melanoma in the past, so sun exposure must be limited.
Can you speak a little about the parathyroid and how it controls absorbtion of calcium and vitamin d? I have been taking calcium from you for several years, and it is in the normal range despite a family history of osteoperosis. Taking Fosomax in addition to calcium. My vitamin d was very low during a recent blood test (13). After 3 months of a prescription dose, I am taking 2,000 units of your vitamin d daily. Vitamin d is now up to 25. I will be retested in a few months. How much should I take if I have this problem. I have had Melanoma in the past, so sun exposure must be limited.
Can you speak a little about the parathyroid and how it controls absorbtion of calcium and vitamin d? I have been taking calcium from you for several years, and it is in the normal range despite a family history of osteoperosis. Taking Fosomax in addition to calcium. My vitamin d was very low during a recent blood test (13). After 3 months of a prescription dose, I am taking 2,000 units of your vitamin d daily. Vitamin d is now up to 25. I will be retested in a few months. How much should I take if I have this problem. I have had Melanoma in the past, so sun exposure must be limited.
Can you speak a little about the parathyroid and how it controls absorbtion of calcium and vitamin d? I have been taking calcium from you for several years, and it is in the normal range despite a family history of osteoperosis. Taking Fosomax in addition to calcium. My vitamin d was very low during a recent blood test (13). After 3 months of a prescription dose, I am taking 2,000 units of your vitamin d daily. Vitamin d is now up to 25. I will be retested in a few months. How much should I take if I have this problem. I have had Melanoma in the past, so sun exposure must be limited.
Can you speak a little about the parathyroid and how it controls absorbtion of calcium and vitamin d? I have been taking calcium from you for several years, and it is in the normal range despite a family history of osteoperosis. Taking Fosomax in addition to calcium. My vitamin d was very low during a recent blood test (13). After 3 months of a prescription dose, I am taking 2,000 units of your vitamin d daily. Vitamin d is now up to 25. I will be retested in a few months. How much should I take if I have this problem. I have had Melanoma in the past, so sun exposure must be limited.
Can you speak a little about the parathyroid and how it controls absorbtion of calcium and vitamin d? I have been taking calcium from you for several years, and it is in the normal range despite a family history of osteoperosis. Taking Fosomax in addition to calcium. My vitamin d was very low during a recent blood test (13). After 3 months of a prescription dose, I am taking 2,000 units of your vitamin d daily. Vitamin d is now up to 25. I will be retested in a few months. How much should I take if I have this problem. I have had Melanoma in the past, so sun exposure must be limited.
Hi Andrew –
I’ve been adding vitamins as I age but it’s been getting complicated. I added the Women’s multi but don’t like taking 5. So I just take it two days a week. When I do I only take one Health, Hair.. and one Essential Eye. Now I’ve added Essential 1 for 5 days still removing the extra HHSN and EE. I wanted to try your 5 Favorites and have added them to my routine. I stopped the Reservatrol now.
Basically, I need a chart! Many of the vitamins overlap. I don’t know if I figured it our right.
Andrew, your Calcium is the best does not upset my stomach I take quite afew of your products and feel great!! I know we can’t make any medical claims but I feel like a new person since I take your supplements. Thank you thank you!!! bertha cantu
I am going to have to quit reordering several supplements because I just cannot afford it all. I live on fixed income social security and even with flex pay, keeping up my health is killing me. ha ha I take resveratrol alternate days, same with cruciferous and omega 3. I separate the coQ10 150 into 2 capsules to make it last longer. I keep up with vitamin D, calcium and phosphatidyl choline. Also must have glucosamine 2x a day and circ and vein support because I jog 5x a week. I live in senior HUD housing and no one here can afford anything. They take the cr*ppy stuff like Centrum.
Thank you so much Andrew for everything you do to bring us quality health products. I hope your Green Tea EGCG is going to be one of the special pricing items. I am just realizing the real benefits you can get from taking green tea. Also, wish you could add iodine and potassium to your Complete vitamins. I just found out I have a thyroid problem.
Andrew Thank you for posting what your TS’S will be for your June visit to HSN. My family and I have been using your products for as long as I can remember. They are the best on the market, I have tried a lot of others. Since I say you on HSN many years ago we do not even consider any others. You get what you pay for, We are not willing to give up our good health to save a few dollar’s. We also love the information you give us when you are on TV. My husband says he can listen to you for hours. No one else hols his interest like you do. Thank you, Thank you, for helping my family to be so healthy for the last ??? years. Keep up the great work, we love your products. My husband is 73 and I am 67 our Dr’s can’t beleave how healthy we are. We owe it all to your great products.
Hi Andrew, I am confused between taking the calcium intesive care,& the one with magnesium?
Since i do rely on my calcium suppliments for my daily requirement.
Am lactose intolerant,and cannot consume dairy products.
I also have some bone loss,and very concerned about this.
My Dr seems impressed with my improvement from last year to this year.
He said i should continue taking these suppliments.
I also take your Women’s complete without iron.
My Dr said that 1500 mg was okay for me to have.
I do devide them as i know that 500mg is all you should take at one time.
Did ask him about the amount of Vit D should have
He does not want me to have more then 800.iu’s per day.
I did have my Vit D level checked last Oct. It was 48 and is within range.
Did have it checked today to see if any change.
Am wondering if i would have more benefit with take the Calcium intensive with Mag then just taking the calcium intensive one?
Sorry making this long,but needed to explain as best i could.
Thank you Andrew for your wonderful Vit,and Education you give us all.
Have been using your suppliments for many years.
Andrew, can you please make a Vitamin B12 supplement capsule
for 1500 mcg. If you can not get that much in one capsule,
please make 2 capsules totaling 1500 mcg. This may help with
a health problem. I take your products so I do not want to go
out looking for Vitamin B12 in this amount in another brand.
I do not know if another brand would work with your products.
Thanks for your help and all of your great supplements.
"it would be awesome to see secure w/ stevia or something more natural for sweetness"
I would like to echo what Stephanie said. I don’t know anything about Stevia. Stevia might be good, but some form of more natural sweeteners would be preferred to the current artificial sweeteners.
I was also wondering if/when you might be coming out with a non-soy version. I was told that men should not be consuming a lot of soy due to the hormonal issues.
andrew, big fan of the products, spend big $$$ on them.
i realize the blog post is in reference to HSN. however, as far as i know, the primary method of accessing the blog is from
i must point out that for your customers who purchase primarily from the website, all of your products do NOT feature special pricing at this time.
in fact, as with other HSN appearances, some of the products are actually priced HIGHER for customers than they are when you are not appearing on HSN.
for example, as of now, if you go to the PC Granules product, you will see that the volume discount has been removed. i don’t know how many other products have had the volume discount removed, but i do know that for your prior appearance on HSN, a great many of the products had the volume discount removed. yet these same products were listed as ‘specials’ on the procapslabs website, when in fact they were at the standard procaplabs pricing, with the volume discounts removed.
i called during your last appearance twice to complain about this.
i think you and your staff need to be aware of your two separate audiences, both for statements made by yourself, and also for the pricing practices and claims made on the website.
in my opinion, your regular procapslabs customers should never be ‘penalized’ when you are on HSN. it seems that for your last visit and possibly also for this one, your regular customers are actually at a pricing disadvantage during your appearance on HSN for some or many of your products.
while the claims made may very well be valid for those who shop for your products only on HSN, at times the claims made on the procapslabs website (which are directed towards HSN shoppers) are in fact misleading to your regular procapslabs customers.
i am very happy with your products and your amazing customer service. i know you listen to your customers and are always working to improve the customer experience. i think the points i am making here are valid, and i wanted to bring them to your attention.
i look forward to seeing you tonight and over the weekend!
well, i must stand partially corrected on my post above. as one of your excellent customer service representatives has pointed out to me, the current pricing of the PC Granules is indeed discounted from the normal price.
i think it is very important to admit when one is mistaken, so i wanted to jump on and correct my post right away.
i do however still believe there other are valid points in my post above, and i remain hopeful you will address them when you can.
good health to us all!
well, sorry to keep posting, but i must correct my corrected post.
although the price currently being offered for the PC granules IS indeed less than the normal procapslabs price, the loss of the volume discount AND the autoship option makes the product MORE expensive right now for a procapslabs customer than it would be during a non HSN period.
this in spite of the fact the PC Granules are being promoted as a "Weekend Special" on HSN. not so special for the regular procapslabs customer though, is it?
so, this does illustrate my point exactly. if you are a loyal procapslabs customer and you want to purchase the PC granules right now, you would actually pay MORE than you normally would, even though it’s supposedly on ‘special’.
as i said earlier, i had encountered many instances of this occuring during your last HSN appearance as well, so this is not a one time fluke.
Dr. Lessman,
YOU are a "Today’s Special"! Thank you for graciously offering free shipping and handling on all of your products, thank you for the finest ingredients and fantastic education you provide, and for donating the pre-natal vitamins to Vitamin Angels.
I have only been using the product for a month. I bought it because my hair was thinning and I thought it would help. As of now, I do not see much difference in my hair 🙁 However, I have fabulous nails and my skin is gorgeous. I will continue to take the caps just for that reason, but will it start to work on my hair???
I take the complete multi and reservatrol. Love your supplements! I like that the multi vitamins are combined the same in all the pills. i never get upset stomach anymore. They are small and very easy to take.
Except, you have many products, Like Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails, that I cannot take because of the green tea ingredient. I suggest that when you present your products on HSN, it would be helpful to declare that ingredient everytime. I have had to return more than one product because of it.
There are a number of people who have a blood clotting disorder, called Leiden V Factor. Those that have that disorder clot 8 to 80 times more easily than those that don’t. Vitamin K contributes to clotting, and green tea has more vitamin K by far than any other leafy green.
Green tea has become such a common ingredient in nearly all types of foods and supplements, it has become a challenge to find health supplement that don’t have it.
Hi Andrew! I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for making these wonderful products! I just re-ordered the Ultimate PC + Phosphatidyl Choline Liver & Brain Granules, and I LOVE the taste of the granules! I’ve noticed a big difference in my memory and my health in general, as I have had hepatitis when I was younger, and I’ve had alcoholic drinks throughout the years, also, and I know this product is helping my liver. I can’t thank you enough! I also ordered for the first time Healthy Hair Skin & Nails tonight when I saw you on HSN. THANK YOU for making the prices so great, and Free Shipping is always a plus!! Luckily, I caught the last hour of the show and got my order in on time! I can’t wait to get these products & to see you soon on TV again!
Have a happy, healthy, & safe summer,
I ordered the Hair, Skin & Nails special yesterday on HSN. They confirmed the order. Today I received a telephone message from HSN that "due to overwhelming demand my order has been delayed to Aug 9 & if they can’t fill it by then they will cancel the order." Why would they accept my payment without verifying the ability of Andrew Lessman to fulfil the order quantity?
RE: Catalase
Is there any benefit for hair in this supplement?
Andrew i am concerned about hearing that older women taking Calcium can be prone to heart issues.
I am 72,and have been taking your Calcium supplements for years.
Did purchase the 500 count of Calcium Mag intensive care.
I am lactose intolerant,and also have pretty bad bone loss.
Do take my Bone Density scan yearly.
No real significant change the last few years.
My Dr does want me to continue taking the supplements as he feels that have benefited me.
Andrew i have been under a lot of stress with my Husband’s various health issues.
Did have some issues fast heart beat,and dizziness several times.
I did have an EKG,and that seemed to be okay.
The Cardio Dr did want me to take a stress test,and also check the Arteries in my neck.
Also wearing a heart monitor for 24 hrs.
My husband recently had his gallbladder taken out,and has various other issues he needs to take care of.
Have put myself on the back burner right now.
Sorry am making this long.
I do hope you can ease my mind with taking Calcium suppliments.
Just to add i am finishing up the Calcium intensive care ones,take 2 in morning,and 2 lunch time.
Also take your Women’s Complete with my evening meal.
Thank you Andrew for making such great supplements.
A quick update. Seems just using Calcium without the D3 could be the problem?
I only use Andrews’s Calcium Intensive,and now have the New Cal, with Mag intensive.
Also use the Women’s max complete packets.
Hoping this new information i received is correct.
Have been very upset hearing this study,and now a bit relieved.
"I turn 55 on the 3rd; and thought what better time to get started on a vitamin regimine! I just received your #360 Essential 1; #360 CoQ10 wTRUQ10; #180 Essential Omega 3;(#360 had run out.) Back order for #360 Resveratrol-100 plus Pomegranate (40:40); & #500 Healthy Hair Skin & Nails. I may need to research on additional Calcium. Would you say that this a good start? I’ve very much enjoyed your showing on HSN and look forward to giving above mentioned an honest try! Thanks’ kindly for your given TIME! GINGER