The Prenatal Project in General and an Inspired Vitamin Angels Video from Kenya.

I just thought I would respond briefly to some of the comments posted on Facebook recently in response to the attached video, as well as emails, letters and other commentary I have received regarding the Prenatal Vitamin Project in the past.  As background, many years ago, I became aware of the tremendous need for prenatal vitamins in America and throughout the world, so with the inspired assistance of Howard Schiffer of Vitamin Angels, we created the American and International Prenatal Project and now, several years later, ProCaps remains its exclusive source of these life-changing prenatal vitamins around the world.  Amazingly, we give away a bottle of prenatal vitamins for every bottle of any product we sell and to say I am proud of what we have accomplished is an enormous understatement.  It is a bit odd that I now feel I must excuse or explain myself for what is perhaps the most purely positive thing I do, but sometimes questions remain, so I will patiently answer those questions and do my best not take any apparent criticism personally.

First of all, for those who believe charity begins at home, you should not assume that our charity did not start at home.  In fact, of the more than 10,000,000 bottles of prenatal vitamins given away more than 2,000,000 of those bottles were given to millions of mothers right here in the USA.  We might be in over 40 countries, but we are also in almost 30 states and growing all the time.  We are found throughout the inner cities of America, as well as in countless rural areas and at many hospitals benefiting Native Americans.  Our prenatal vitamins have helped millions of American mothers for years and interestingly enough, although it is in our “backyard”, it is often not that easy to get the vitamins to these mothers in America.  However, between Vitamin Angels, and also the March of Dimes, we will continue to help millions of American mothers in need.  Also, it is important to note that we are blessed to live in a country where prenatal nutrition (malnutrition) is not the devastating problem it is throughout the world, so demand for this supplement is far greater throughout the developing world than it is here in America.

Second, regarding why this product is not available for sale in the USA.  Unfortunately, because of the severe limitation that American and international charitable organizations, as well as international distribution places on its contents, we must limit the formula appropriately or it could not exist.  It is essentially made to correspond with the very conservative limitations of the World Health Organization and United Nations which also enables the formula to satisfy hundreds of US organizations, as well as international government, medical, regulatory and administrative standards, organizations, hospitals, etc.  We can freely distribute it throughout America and around the world, but as a result, it is different from a supplement that I can make for US consumers.  I wish that were not the case, but for peculiar regulatory reasons the best prenatal vitamin made for American consumers would be impossible for us to distribute for free around the world.  In short, we have to make a special formula to overcome all the local and international red tape, etc.  Of course, I have been working hard for years on a US consumer prenatal vitamin and as I have only just completed the formula it has only recently become available.  I know I lost sales by not having an American consumer prenatal vitamin available sooner, but I would not offer it until I knew that it would be the absolute best and satisfy even the most finicky mother-to-be.  I can now say with confidence that we have succeeded and that we offer the purest, mildest and finest prenatal formula in the world.

Third, I have been rather surprised – almost shocked – by some comments I have received saying this prenatal project is a very bad idea (whether offered right here in America or around the world) because it results in more babies being born precisely where we do not need them and thus we are contributing to an increasing world population on an already over-burdened planet.  I have been told that I should let those poor American mothers or malnourished mothers in far off countries have their malnourished unhealthy babies and if the mothers or babies are ill or even die then so be it.  Pretty shocking, but I recognize that most folks do not realize that prenatal vitamins are the first step to curbing population growth.  Plus, anyone who knows me and how environmentally-oriented I am, should know that I would never increase the burden on our planet and in fact, prenatal vitamins do just the opposite.  When we increase the likelihood of babies not just surviving, but thriving, they contribute to the transformation of their communities, which is just one of the first steps toward decreased birth rates and a more stable population that is typical of more modern communities.  In short, these prenatal vitamins help to reduce population growth around the world and thereby reduce the burden on our struggling planet.  Beyond their humanitarian role in helping mothers and babies to survive and thrive, they have an enormously positive impact on the future of families, communities, societies and, of course, on our entire planet.

Hopefully that answered some questions and alleviated some concerns about this remarkable project.

Best of health.


24 thoughts on “The Prenatal Project in General and an Inspired Vitamin Angels Video from Kenya.”

  1. Well it is unbelievable that you would have to make such a statement. I have been using your products for about 10 years. When I began, I was a young mother with young children and a very low income. I tried your vitamins because of the manner in which you spoke about them as well as the fact that I could purchase them on installments from HSN. That was likely the onlu way that I would have been able to afford them. To think that there are people out there who feel as though people such as myself and my children and I are less deserving of good health is appalling. It is a wonderful thing that you are doing and the commitment that you have to provide a quality product is one of the reasons that I continue to use your products. I know that there are many others out there who share my opinion. Your efforts are appreciated both at home and abroad.

    I am 100% with you on your views. You said it all! I wish I could have given back in my life at the level you have … May GOD bless you Andrew, and multiply your future profits beyond human belief. I for one use and enjoy your products and I appreciate your integrity. Sincerely, C.Case

  3. I can not imagine anyone finding fault with a program that helps so many in need all around the world. What kind of people would we be if we knew we could help just one person, but let them suffer anyway? Never doubt for a minute the value you add to so many lives. You are a good man Andrew Lessman. Suddenly I'm in the mood to buy a bottle of vitamins to help you help another mother and her precious baby! Who knows what gifts that child will bring to this world.

  4. I always try to buy a TS just on the fact that you donate a = bottle.. Please don't let the haters get to you and the wonderful charity work that you are doing.
    When recommending your products I always mention the charity work you do and why they should buy a TS.

  5. Thank you for having the heart that you do for citizens in our country as well as others around the world. Your generosity to others as well as your efforts to help our planet do not go unnoticed. Those who denounce your actions should be ashamed.

  6. I appreciate all you do Andrew. You are a good person with a good heart. We need more love in this world and I hope you are an inspiration to others to want to do what we all can big or small to help our fellow man and our environment. God Bless!

  7. I think your generosity is refreshing. There should be more people like you in this world… it would be a much better place! Thank you for all you do for the Mothers-to-be in the USA and around the world. Bless you and your staff!

  8. Seems everthing has been said and I agree. I watched you and your show for awhile and saw that while you are running a business, you are doing it in a way that shows honesty, integrity and a true caring for the way your products are produced in the healthiest and least harmsfull way to the enviornment. Keep your values and all will be well.

  9. to those who could say "don't help mothers have heathy babies" I would ask and what if someone had said THAT to your mother??? hmmm not such an easy or black & white issue is it? We should ALL be as compassionate and PRODUCTIVE as Andrew and his Pro Caps family are! I send healing energy to those whose hearts are so hardened.
    A big woof woof to your Angel-puppies Andrew!

  10. Wow, this is really sad that you have to explain yourself this way. Your products and integrity speak volumes! Shame on people that always have to put some form of negativity into the efforts of others. And more than likely have never given away anything! So selfish. Please keep doing what you do Andrew for the rest of us positive people that believe in you and your products.

  11. Andrew: I have been a customer of yours for over 10 years.


    Please don't allow the negatives to get you down. Sometimes we can all learn from the most negative persons out there in society. Just look for that thread in some of those negative comments.

  12. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work, your caring attitude and dedication that you've put into your vitamins day in and day out. I pray that the good Lord continue to strengthen you and guide you forever more! Love n Huggs.

  13. Thank you for your website. I stumbled upon your site as I was looking for information on the amazing sounding claims of raspberry keystones. Thank you for the information!
    I applaud your work in Kenya. I went to Kenya last summer and I think if anyone witnessed the plight of the people there and their overwhelming joy in spite of their circumstances, they would understand why you do what you do. People are people wherever they live and they want the same basic things that we want, they love their children and want to see them well.
    I am also a public health nurse, and I work on the Fetal Infant Mortality Review. Keeping healthy mothers and babies actually saves our country money in the long run and increases the overall health of our population.
    this summer I am going to Uganda for a trip focused on nutrition for mothers and babies. I would love the opportunity to partner with you!
    Having read your site I will start purchasing our vitamin products from Pro caps. Thank you for providing a service for your customers and also those in need.

  14. Hi Andrew. My hair has been falling. Someone told me take prenatal vitamins? What do u think? Thanks Andrew, I love your products 🙂

  15. I like this information given and it has given me some sort of commitment to succeed for some reason,I always feel good to read this type of blog so keep up the good work.

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