I hope everyone enjoyed their July 4th weekend. It is always nice to be able to take some extra time relaxing with family and friends celebrating this very special day. It is very easy to forget the incredible spirit that made our country great and the blessings we all share to live here today, but for me, Independence Day always reminds me of those things and the privilege we all enjoy.
As I’ve done for the past 15 years, I am in Colorado with family and friends where I love to spend my spare time running mountain trails. There has been a lot of rain in the Colorado Mountains this spring, so the mountains are now remarkably green and lush with beautiful wildflowers alongside the remote mountain trails I love to run.
I am now finishing up with the final preparations for my upcoming visit, which is HSN’s Birthday Month and I thought I would respond to some of the speculation and questions about this weekend’s Today’s Specials. As far as Sunday’s Today’s Special, it was designed to be extra special specifically for HSN’s July Birthday. I thought that the perfect place for me to start would be with a unique version of HSN’s and my Number One Reorder product. I then added our most popular new ingredient to that most popular reorder product making what will undoubtedly be an all-time favorite this Sunday. You will also be pleased to hear that Sunday’s price would make it by far the best Today’s Special of its kind without considering the addition of this special new ingredient. The normal daily HSN price on these combined ingredients would be almost three times Sunday’s Today’s Special price, so the savings will be fantastic! This formula is the source of more testimonials than any other product I make and since I am starting to give things away like Colleen, I will stop with the clues for now. Anyhow, I hope you will be as excited to see it on Sunday as we were to create such a unique formula. You can also rest assured that this special product was designed and manufactured exclusively for Sunday’s Today’s Special and will be just about as fresh as the produce you might buy at your grocery store and of course, like everything I make for you, it was produced in our facilities utilizing 100% solar energy.
As far as Friday’s Today’s Specials, you have a choice of two separate products. Each one represents an absolutely essential structural component for our body’s most vital tissues – particularly as we age. They are both very straightforward products, but it would be impossible to find products anywhere that deliver their purity, quality and ease of use without stomach upset that these formulas provide. Plus, Friday’s Today’s Special pricing makes them a value that is well under half the cost of their normal HSN prices…plus, free shipping!
Throughout HSN’s Birthday weekend, every single product I make is available at Special Pricing and with Free Shipping and Handling, so be sure to tune-in or visit HSN.com and of course, regardless of whether you see your favorite product on TV or not, there is still special savings and free shipping on everything I make. Happy Birthday to HSN! Enjoy!
See you soon…best of health.
I’ll be the first to guess the Today’s Specials. For Friday, I believe you will offer Alpha Lipoic Acid and Glucosamine. On Sunday, I believe you will offer the Healthy Hair, Skin, & Nails. Andrew, 4 visits per year is not enough for those of us that enjoy the information that you share during your visits. I am thrilled that you started having webcasts. I think that you are able to share a wider variety of information with us. It’s also nice to get a glimpse of Lincoln and Hayden. They are adorable. Is it Thursday night yet?
I’ll be the second to guess for Sunday’s Today’s Special. I agree with the first comment that it will be Hair, Skin, and Nails, maybe with Phosphatidyl Choline added to the formula (good for hair) AND bundled with Andrew’s SIX Favorites (Andrew’s Five plus one new ingredient). Can’t wait! 🙂
I think you’re a big tease Andrew 🙂
My guess for Sunday’s Today’s Special:
Healthy Hair, Skin, & Nails + Ubiquinol (TruQ10).
I am always guessing what Andrew’s TS is coming up.
I never fail to buy! With money tight and work slow, I hope that both TS will be great buys.
I have started buying a lot here. I am on auto ship for 6 products from ProCaps.
Someone mentioned Alpha Lipoic Acid, I started it a few weeks back. I ordered the 360 and on autoship.
The NEW Ultimate PC+ Liver & Brain Granules also is new to my daily wellness.
Oddly though I have never order the Healthy Hair, Skin, & Nails
I also believe Sundays will be the Healthy Hair, Skin, Nails with something else added. As for Fridays one sounds like some type of joint product, the other no clue, I had been hoping for the cholestacare to a TSV its been some time for that one also, but the clues dont sound like this is one of them.
My second guess for Sunday’s Today’s Special:
Healthy Hair Skin & Nail + Açai
essential structural component for our body’s most vital tissues
Hmmmmmm could it be something like the
Lessman New Joint Effort w/ Chondroitin
or Andrew Lessman Circulation & Vein Support
I’m hoping for the Hair, Skin & Nail formula, and Circulation & Vein Support – two of my favorites! But a Glucosamine /Chondroitin product would be fabulous as well.
Could be a Calcium and/or Vitamin D product, though, as that is definitely a "structural component for our body’s most vital tissues – particularly as we age." and traditional calcium products frequently cause stomach upset. Andrew’s calcium product is by far the best we have ever used and causes NO stomach issues!
hmmmm… hurry up, Thursday! 😉
Hey Andrew,
I have a question what would be the 3 to four best products to take when you do not like to take pills, I have a reletive who does not like to take pills..I think you said the Omega 3 would be one… I have a great testimony to all that you have been teaching…. I have practice all you have been teaching us all before I even started watching HSN and would like to share with you my testimony if you ever get the time.. watching you on HSN helps continue my growth and I appreciate all you have shared with us… Thanks for the continue improvements.
Vitamin D again? Yes, I think so, Vitamin D and Calcium
and maybe Glucosamine /Chondroitin ???
I am still hoping Sunday will be
Sunday HSN – Hair,Skin and Nails
Circulation & Vein Support
Choice of Calcium or Glucosamine on Friday (I hope because after a year I’m almost out)
H air S kin and N ails on Sunday just like last year but with a twist?
Whatever it is we will buy it and love it. Keep them coming Andrew and Procaps family.
Will the configuration of the HairSkinNails + P be made available here?
Will the HairSkinNails + P be available here?
I wish he would mix up the TS variety-like the expensive
Phosphatidyl Serine for a change.
OK, I got it.
Sundays TS is HS&N with one of his newer products that was very popular when he introduced it (i think it was) last visit. It’s not Coq10 or PS (though I have nothing with PS in it, i’d like to get something).
When he introduced it on HSN people when crazy over it, people had been waiting for him to come out with this product and he didn’t show it at all yet this visit. His version of this product has several ingredients in it. There, thats my hint.
Yes it will be available here but not until he kicks it off on HSN.
I have a request for a TS. The next time, instead of the Calcium alone, can you offer the Calcium Magnesium formulation? I would also like to ask you a question. Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2, what is the difference and does it matter which one we are taking with Calcium to help with utilization?
I enjoyed your visit in July and per usual, I got more than I planned on getting from HSN and from your company.
Looking forward to October! ;~)
Andrew, I appreciated your visit so much! I ordered two of each of the TS.
I share with my husband. He reluctantly started taking your vitamins about a year ago. He is in great health and very active. I finally convinced him wellness supplements are not just for unhealthy people.
I strongly feel that preventative measures can prolong our good health. Of course we are not spring chickens,so after starting he realized, how much better he could feel!
This visit was great for the economy also -grin
I ordered two of each TS from HSN
From ProCaps
Chondroitin-1200 360 Capsules
Circa – Circulation & Vein Benefits
I ordered the Resveratrol although I am on auto-ship, great price
BYW – someone mentioned Phosphatidyl Serine, I love it!
I started taking it in April and it really works. It is expensive even on autoship (which I am)
Hi Andrew ~ I just read an article about Omega-3 on ABC news – i’m sure you’re aware of it. Just in case – here it is: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/HeartHealth/story?id=8240586&page=1 If i am reading it correctly, the amount of the ingredients in your Omega-3 is not high enough according to doctors. I have been taking yours for years. Will you please comment. Should i take more or will you increase the amount? Thank you!
Hi Andrew,
As an avid health and nutrition student my whole life, I had a few questions for you. 1) I was hoping that your immune system support would have olive leaf extract in it. Unsure of how much you know about Olive Leaf potent benefits. It is made up of the phytochemical oleuropein, which breaks down to elenolic acid (a powerful anti-bacterial effect), and has the ability to interfere with critical amino acid production essential for viruses. Other ingredients in the olive leaf include ingredients include esters, multiple iridoids, rutin, apigenin, luteolin, etc. I look forward to your comments and please don’t hesitate to contact/communicate with me. I really enjoy your attention to detail and your commitment to your products.
Now that HSN has the Secure Meal Replacement back could you have another Today Special with the 240 meal servings???
Andrew, I’ve recently been interested in raw/live food diets. Are your vits cooked? Have you listened to anything from David Wolfe? He talks about superfoods and herbs, some I’ve never heard of! How do You feel about cacao in capsule form?
Could you pleas put the Secure meal replacement on ts since it is back on HSN? It only comes in a small quantity now and only on autoship I was told. This would be for your Oct 8 2009 show