I hope this early airing of the Today’s Special provides everyone with greater access and availability to it, since unlike most Today’s Specials at HSN, we only do 3 live shows – midnight, noon and 9 PM. If you go to bed early and miss it at midnight, it is very easy to miss our two remaining shows. Plus, because I have heard that you like when I focus on more than one product per hour, our Today’s Special airings are shorter than typical Today’s Specials at HSN. Our video will air live on HSN at 8 PM Eastern Time and it will remain available at HSN.com until midnight. In 25 years on TV, I have never done anything like this so please let me know what you think. Also, please let me know if you prefer a longer video in the future.Now, let’s talk about the Today’s Special itself – our remarkable Essential-1 multivitamin, and then I will briefly discuss the possibility of an exciting ChocoNuvo Event in 8 days:
Multivitamins remain the one nutritional supplement about which experts have long agreed regarding their benefits. Essential-1 remains as unique today as when I introduced it over 30 years ago. More than any product we make, it has evolved continuously with dozens of major improvements over the decades. There is no other product like it in the world. Our Essential-1 is the world’s only leading multivitamin that contains no additives of any kind…no added colors, preservatives, binders, fillers, lubricants, flowing agents, etc. It is gluten-free, allergen-free, sugar-free and non-GMO. It was the first, and still the only, leading multivitamin that contains the most active form of Vitamin E and mild, non-acidic vitamin C. It was the first, and still the only, leading multivitamin that contains meaningful levels of Lutein, Lycopene and Zeaxanthin. And to this day, no other leading multivitamin contains Zeaxanthin. It is well established that most Americans are deficient or insufficient in Vitamins D and B12. And for decades, Essential-1 alone has delivered higher levels of vital Vitamin D than all the leading brands. As far as Vitamin B12, since typically Vitamin B12 is not well absorbed, we long ago delivered our protected and highly absorbable B12. You can feel the difference.
I can go on at length discussing the unique features and ingredients of this product, but there is something far more important than the science and that is the fact that Essential-1 is a pleasure to use, since we have eliminated ALL the problems that most folks hate about their multivitamins. Essential-1 is easy-to-swallow, exceptionally gentle and will not upset your stomach. It is the experience we dream of from a multivitamin but never thought possible. In a phrase, Essential-1 delivers ONLY benefits and NO problems. At 4.7 Stars, I encourage you to read the thousands of 5-Star Reviews, since nothing speaks more clearly than the voices of those who use the product. Best of all, during our Today’s Special, Essential-1 is at its best price ever…as little as 19 cents per day! I hope you tune-in tonight or tomorrow to find out how the world’s most unique multivitamin has changed so many lives and how it can do the same for you and your loved ones.
A quick update on ChocoNuvo. Fingers crossed, things are looking good for a ChocoNuvo Event next Saturday. Two months ago, ChocoNuvo sold out in record time. During that event, I made the decision to make our entire 4-month inventory available and, as a result, HSN has been sold out ever since. Fortunately, we had committed to more cacao beans, but that takes time to turn into ChocoNuvo; however, we are on track for an Encore ChocoNuvo Event next weekend. If you did not get to try ChocoNuvo, it is our brand new and uniquely healthy dark chocolate that lowers cholesterol. In just a few hours on TV, it already has almost 500 reviews at an amazing 4.6 Stars. That is a surprising testament to how delicious it is, since most Americans prefer milk chocolate, not a 74% rich, creamy dark chocolate. Plus, folks are already seeing reductions in cholesterol, since each chocolate square provides the cholesterol-lowering power of a capsule of CholestaCare. Best of all ChocoNuvo is creamier and tastes better than any other dark chocolate. The good news is that ChocoNuvo will be back in soon. The bad news is that after these shows, ChocoNuvo will go away for many months, since HSN cannot ship chocolate during the summer heat. Accordingly, we will make it more affordable to stock up, since not only will we have a large 300-square supply at its very best price, but we will also offer an additional $10 per bottle savings on any additional 300-square bottles you purchase. I am sorry, but it will be at least 7 months before our next event. Once again, I will do a sneak peek video for those who want to learn more about ChocoNuvo or order theirs in advance at 8 PM Eastern Time on March 4th.
I will see you tonight at 11 PM Eastern Time for a “variety hour” followed by our midnight Essential-1 Today’s Special. You can also check out the first ever Today’s Special sneak peek at 8 PM Eastern Time. Today and tomorrow’s shows will be coming to you live from our factory in Henderson, Nevada. Lincoln and I look forward to showing you precisely where and how all your favorite products are made in our 100% solar powered facilities. See you soon…
Best of Health.
how do I sign up and get the live show tonight at 8 P.M. EST?
I am pretty sure you do not have to sign up. Just go to the HSN web page tonight at 8pm florida time, and there should be a link on that page. If not go to Andrew’s page on HSN, and you should see it.
HI, been waiting for another sale, I use alot of your products. Nina
I was hoping for eye support or omega as today’s special. Can you tell me when/if they will be soon?
I think that one comes up around April.
Andrew, I was wondering if we can use the 20% off coupon for the ChocoNuvo. The coupon is good till March 15th, and says you can not use it on Todays specials or this day only offers. Will the ChocoNuvo be either of those?
Will coupon be good for chocolate next weekend !
Andrew here in NC midnight (12am EST or in a few weeks EDT) is really midnight so that is rather late for many of us .
I am happy about the 8pm sneak peek .
I am really ready for the Choconuvo ! I purchased the 300 size in December. This time will stock up .
I have been buying your products for years, since your QVC days .
Dear Andrew,,
I too love all of your products! Have purchased them through HSN for almost 20 years. I love them because I was unable to digest other solid vitamins and was looking for a capsule/powder product so that I could get the benefit of the contents.
Also love your PRICEs! and the volume in each container! AND made in the USA!!
I am 67 years old and believe that your products have contributed big time to the vitality I feel. God bless you and your wife/company.
Keep up the good work and we will keep on buying.
I have been a loyal Andrew fan for 20 years and attribute much of my good health to healthy diet, exercise and Andrew.
I am a choholic and love the choconuvo. I am able to “control myself ” because I see this as a delicious supplement and and perfect dessert to dinner and not candy. Thank you.
I trust you with my health!
Hi Andrew,
I would like to know when you are going to do another special pricing on the Fibermucil/Cholestracare (1000) combination again. I purchase that combination several months ago when you had them at a special pricing. I am low on both. But I did purchase the Choconuvo Cacao Dark Chocolate (120 pieces) the last time you were on HSN. I really do love the Fibermucil/Cholestracare combination, Thank you in advance.
I like everything you do…Ive learned over the years that I can TRUST what you say and do….and Ive been a customer so long that the first time I called, I was asking if you were going to have a Coenzyme Q10 product. I was having a hard time finding anyone who carried it or had even heard of it! The most awesome thing….YOU answered the phone!
That was waaaaaaaay back! LOL
Dont plan to ever run out of it. Thanks so much for all you do with such excellence and integrity.
LOL–love that story!
Andrew, I absolutely love your Essential 1 but my question is – Why do you use cyanocobalamin b12. That is suppose to be worse b12?? Thanks
From Wikipedia
A common synthetic form of the vitamin is cyanocobalamin, produced by chemically modifying bacterial hydroxocobalamin. Because of superior stability and low cost this form is used in many pharmaceuticals and supplements as well as for fortification of foods. In the body it is converted into the human physiological forms methylcobalamin and 5′-deoxyadenosylcobalamin. In this process a cyanide ion, (CN−), is produced, but the amount is very, very small (20 μg from 1,000 μg of cyanocobalamin) compared to what would cause a toxicity risk, and is in fact less than the amount of cyanide consumed daily from food (primarily fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes). Cyanide-free synthetic forms of the vitamin – hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin – are being used in some pharmacological products and supplements, but their claimed superiority to cyanocobalamin is debatable.
I actually love all Pro-cap vitamins and have used many of them. I still use what I can afford, but have to limit what I purchase because of the cost. Just cannot afford it anymore. I have gone to purchase some of the holistic and organic (also without preservatives etc) supplements that actually are much less money and seem to work the same way. I do like the Essential1 very much and hope that it will be at a price that I might be able to afford. I do feel well most of the time and I do say that it is because I have used Lessman supplements for many, many years. I like his “lectures” also very much because it teaches a lot about health and supplements. It is a shame that it all has gotten so expensive that I have to very choosy about what I purchase anymore. When you get towards the age of 70 your income is not what it used to be and things have to go by the wayside. One plus about listening to Andrew is that it does give you the knowledge to look for vitamins/supplements that are made in the USA and are organic and without preservatives etc. and there ARE manufacturers that happen to do that and that is where I have gone for some of the supplements that I used to purchase from Pro – caps. I ONLY purchase made in the US and organic.
Would you ever consider adding astaxanthin to you ultimate eye support supplement?
The B-12 u use is not good why do u use that one?
From wikipedia
hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin – are being used in some pharmacological products and supplements, but their claimed superiority to cyanocobalamin is debatable.
I was on HSN earlier and I thought I’d let you know the video that is up on the ES1 page isn’t working properly.. I couldn’t hear anything.
I’m looking for a product to help my low thyroid. I’m already taking Women’s Complete and Cholesterol plus Fibermucil. I have been on thyroid medicine but have had reactions to it.
Love your products.
I do not have account with HSC anymore so would the prices be the same when I order from you directly ? I have been using quite a few of ALL that I need or want from you for over approx., 40 years.
You can buy all of Andrew’s products with their special pricing from his website at procapslabs.com. Whenever his products go on sale or there is a today’s special, you can buy the products direct from his company and not need an HSN account. Best of Health to You and Cheers :o) !
What do you recommend for an autoimmune disease?
Do you use a B 12 that is not good ?? This is a big concern !
Please reply to my question ?
from wikipedia
hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin, and adenosylcobalamin – are being used in some pharmacological products and supplements, but their claimed superiority to cyanocobalamin is debatable.
from wikipedia
A common synthetic form of the vitamin is cyanocobalamin, produced by chemically modifying bacterial hydroxocobalamin. Because of superior stability and low cost this form is used in many pharmaceuticals and supplements as well as for fortification of foods. In the body it is converted into the human physiological forms methylcobalamin and 5′-deoxyadenosylcobalamin. In this process a cyanide ion, (CN−), is produced, but the amount is very, very small (20 μg from 1,000 μg of cyanocobalamin) compared to what would cause a toxicity risk, and is in fact less than the amount of cyanide consumed daily from food (primarily fruit, nuts, seeds, legumes).
Dear Andrew: As per your comment last night about “the man upstairs” being responsible for us needing to put vitamins in us this is true but there was a time before our food and water was polluted and our air polluted that the soil was adequate enough to provide the right vitamins now since this no longer true but we can blame mankind for this but in his grace God gives people gifts like he has you as your able to make the proper formula of vitamins to replenish our bodies
I have been taking your vitamins for years and I take at least 10 different ones per day. With essential I is it necessary to take other supplements like Vitamin D3, Vitamin B complex etc?
I notice when I do not take vein & circulation and glucosomine ones my legs ache and my feet swell. I can’t be without them ever again!
Choco Nuvo…..I was one of the lucky ones to get it in November and I love it. The taste is very good. I use it as my chocolate candy treat and it is satisfying. I will get a big bottle next weekend. I go for my blood level checks next week and I cannot wait to see how my levels have improved. I also take cholestra care too.
Thanks for all the research you have done over the years to make us all healthy,.
Krista Carleton
Can you tell me when your basic multivitamins will be on special ? I know you are there today but I don’t see a price change. I also wanted to ask if the protein powder for drinks can be made less sweet? Thank you Andrew. I love watching you & how you educate us all at each visit. I have been with you since you were on the other channel & you know that was a long time ago. Keep up the great work !
Andrew, I find it disturbing and sad that you feel you must apologize for quoting the Bible. One should not have to apologize for their beliefs and convictions in a free country.